Visiting a church service can be an unsettling experience. Whether you’re coming back to church or you’re trying it out for the first time, we know this is a big step for you. Our prayer is that, after your visit, you will begin to rethink your perspective on God and the Church.
What to expect when you visit:
- We have something for everyone on Sunday morning. both at 9:00 am and 10:30 am.
- At 9:00 am on Sundays, we have a Bible Study class for all ages.
- At 10:30 am on Sundays you are invited to join us for worship.
- At 9:00 am on Sundays, we have a Bible Study class for all ages.
- When you walk in the foyer, you will most likely be greeted by one of our greeters who will hand you a visitor packet which includes a visitor card. Please take a few minutes to complete that card and then drop it in the offering basket when indicated during the service
- Our nursery is down the hall to the right and the children's classrooms are to your left and right down both halls. All our children's workers and nursery are trained and certified, to include a background check. You can rest assured that your child will receive the very best of care while you are here.
- Our nursery is available during the 9:00 am Bible Study Hour and our 10:30 worship service. Ages for the nursery are 6 mos. up to 3 years old.
- We have preschool worship for preschool children during the 10:30 worship service as well.
- We gather in the worship center for the morning services. The atmosphere is casual. We dress comfortably. We use music, video, and other creative elements to communicate truth in a contemporary way. People of all ages seem to enjoy our services.
- We receive an offering as a part of our worship activities. During the worship time, you will be directed to one of the baskets that are throughout the worship center. As our guest, you are not expected to contribute. The only thing we ask you to place in the offering basket is the completed visitor card.